JSC Montazhspetzstroy Company
2007-2008 | Carrying out commissioning works and putting into operation of facilities in North Offsite Zone. |
2007-2008 | Engineering support of works on the installation of equipment and technological facilities in North Offsite Zone. |
2007-2009 | Development of working documentation for the project of substation No. 7 of the complex of the northern off-site zone "Kashagan experimental development program" (JSC "Harcon"). |

JSC Condensate
2015 | Development of working documentation "Sulfur production section". |
2015-2016 | Development of the "project" stage and the stage "working documentation" Hydrotreating section of diesel fuel components ". |
2015 | Development of working documentation "Redundant water supply line to the section for isomerization of light naphtha". |
2015 | Development of the Technological Regulations of the project "Hydrotreating section of diesel fuel components". |
2016 | Provision of professional services to evaluate the operation of technological equipment with the development of proposals to ensure its reliability. |
2016-2017 | Provision of professional services in the production activities of the Customer. |
2016-2017 | Author's supervision of the construction of the Sulfur Production Section. |
2016-2017 | Author's supervision of the construction of the facility "Hydrotreating section of diesel fuel components". |

LLP "Project institute" Promstroiproekt "
2016-2017 | Development of design documentation for the "Project" stage of the project "Construction of an Integrated Gas and Chemical Complex in Atyrau Oblast". |
2016-2017 | Development of the project of technological pipelines for tying the technological equipment of the forming shop in the axes of G-G / 1-6 under the project "The second launch complex as part of the integrated chemical complex" Production of glyphosate (herbicide) and "Production of phosphorus trichloride" in the territory of the FEZ "Chemical park" Taraz ". |
2017 | Development of a working project "Industrial-warehouse ice cream and milk complex in the industrial zone of Alatau district of Almaty" |
2017 | Consideration of the design estimates of China Oil HBP Science Technology Corporation Ltd (China, Beijing) -author of the stage Detailed design of the project "Construction of complex processing of the Kozhasai field of the Aktobe region |
2018 | Development of the working project "Construction of the compressor station" Kozhasai " |

LLP "Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant"
2018 | Development of working documentation for the replacement of transfer lines L-102-7, L-102-8 |