"Personnel is everything!" This Soviet slogan is still relevant in the everyday activities of "Ukrneftehimproekt", which allow the company to ensure the leading position among the CIS project institutions for the integrated design of refineries and petrochemical plants.
Financial and moral motivation of the collective, careful and respectful attitude towards the veterans, well thought out system of training and adaptation of young professionals - this is not a complete list of activities that contribute to the formation of qualified human resources, are important trends for improving the efficiency of the team, determining its competitiveness in a market economy and allow to professionally solve tasks.
More than 50 years of experience has allowed the Institute to create, preserve and enhance a highly skilled team of professionals who have significant professional potential in all modern areas of engineering activity.
Majority of employees work at the Institute for over 20 years and are now mentors to younger personnel.
The basis of personnel policy at the enterprise is a strategy of continuous training and re-training of staff for new design technology and adaptation of young specialists in the production process, aimed at the optimal combination of experience of veterans of collective with the preparation of a personnel reserve and its use in specific developments.
Recruitment of young professionals is a subject of special attention in the work of the Board and the administration of the company. Training of specialists is carried out through strategic alliances with leading universities of Ukraine - National Technical University "Kiev Polytechnic Institute ", Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture, National University "Lviv Polytechnic", etc.
As part of that cooperation:

• the Engineering and Chemistry Department of "KPI" in conjunction with "Ukrneftehimproekt" and company "AVEVA" opened laboratory teaching students skills in a special 3D-design software complex - "PDMS";
• plans to open a similar laboratory for skills development in the "P&ID" module for "PDMS" complex for students of Department of Chemical Technology;
• additional training is carried out for students of 3rd - 5th courses based on the actual projects of the Institute for which annually 10 students of this university are submitted to the industrial practice in the production departments. In the course of practical training, students perform specific works, including those based on the knowledge obtained in the process of learning at educational institution. Part of students, trainees, after completion of training, are invited to a regular job and become a significant personnel potential of our company. The most prepared of them, during the process of learning are involved to work at part-time employment.
Since 2004, the number of young specialists - graduates reached 27% of the total employees of the institute.
More than 94% of production departments personnel have full higher education in a corresponding speciality.
The administration constantly improves personnel qualification: paid training for demanded specializations, registered paid educational leaves, systematic involvement of employees in seminars, exhibitions, conferences and training courses.
In 2009-2010 Institute secured the payment for employee training to obtain their diplomas in the following specializations: "Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management" - 2 people. "Heating and ventilation" - 1 pers., "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" - 2 people. "The equipment of chemical plants and enterprises of building materials (Mechanical Engineering)" - 1 pers.
During the period of 2006-2010 a number of employees have been trained at qualification improvement courses to obtain certificates on areas: "Environmental Protection in Construction" - 1 pers. "Ensuring environmental safety while working at the field of hazardous waste" - 1 pers. "Features of designing year-round air-conditioning systems at areas with severe climatic conditions" - 1 pers. "Activities for the design of buildings and structures" - 27 people, "Estimation of the impact on the environment in the legislative and regulatory documents of Ukraine" - 2 people, "New legislative regulations and relevant questions of regulation of the industry's waste management and air protection" - 27 people. "Designing fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm, announcing about a fire and escape control, smoke protection" - 12 people, "Practical application of "LIRA" software" - 7 people, "Practical application of "AVEVA" software" - 55 people. etc.
Certain specialists improve their professional level, getting a second higher education.
A special program is designed for working with personnel reserve, a permanent committee is created for working with these specialists, certification of personnel is carried out systematically, which contributes to the implementation of job rotation, promotion of best trained specialists who successfully perform their duties, take the initiative, have organizational skills, high professionalism, based on the modern expertise.
A timely and comprehensive solution of personnel issues - the key to successful solution of the company's objectives and its confidence in the future.